About Me

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I grew up in Southern Mississippi, and at eleven years of age I invited Jesus Christ into my life. Several years later, I married a young man from Oklahoma and we eventually moved to his home state. There we welcomed our first child, a beautiful baby boy. Four and a half years later, our daughter was born and unfortunately tragedy struck. Our daughter suffered brain damage during open heart surgery. In the years that followed, I was her care-giver. I've been stretched and remolded as I've journeyed through many trials. I was widowed in 2003 and as my husband was dying, he said for him one of the most difficult things was knowing that I would probably bury our daughter without him. I told him should that occur, when she died I would picture in my heart him seeing her walk and talk for the first time and that would bring me strength and joy. I can truly say that it did. His death started me on this journey as "a single wife." The first eight years of blogging are as a grieving, healing widow. Now the posts are as a newly remarried who has found life after widowhood.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Don't you just hate it when you're hunting your cell phone and can't find it?  Maybe its never happened to you but a number of times I've been getting ready to leave the house and couldn't find my phone.  I've hunted everywhere only to realize, OPPPS, I'm talking on it!  Now that is a strange feeling.  Or in my recent move, I carefully put like-things together and had a plan for packing them so I could easily find them after the move.  I'm still hunting them.  I can't remember what my plan was....I'm sure it made sense at the time.
      My memory may fail but I'm so thankful that there is ONE who will never forget me and loves me with an Everlasting Love.  I invited Him into my heart many years ago and even though He's cast my sins as far as the East is from the West and remembers them no more, I'm always on his mind....as He cares for me.  THANK YOU LORD!

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